Friday, September 26, 2008

Know Your Product/ Service


11 rules for selling to a skeptic - know your product/ service. You should know its strengths, and any proprietary, weaknesses features. Know it inside and out, backwards and forwards.

Also understand the factors that influence its supply and demand. - there should be nothing that anyone can tell you about what you solicit. All of these will strengthen your presentation and help the skeptic make a more informed purchasing decision. You will definitely be asked questions, so be prepared to demonstrate all aspects of your product/ service in response. Along with knowing your product comes knowing your prospect. Know your prospect. Strive to know all you can about your target demographic and potential clients.

You should know their purchasing habits, what motivation determines their choice, and how long a buying decision takes. - make sure you deal with the decision maker. You must understand how your product fits into their overall purchasing strategy. Put yourself in the most favorable position to get a" yes" by focusing on what most concerns your prospect. When you know the buying habits of your prospect, you can use it to develop a longer - term sales plan - that means repeat business. Believe in your own words.

Your lack of enthusiasm will be an obvious as you attempt to convince your potential buyer. - you will never be effective selling something you do not believe in, particularly to someone who is already skeptical. When you emanate passion and confidence, you break down the wall of doubt the cynic has built. Be transparent. To not be a pillar of strength during your presentation is a sure - fire ticket to an abrupt" no. " If you are lucky enough to sell a product you do not believe in, you still lose because you risk killing referral business and losing the trust of your customer. Too often, we give strong pitches with lots of hype and little information. The idea that if you divulge too much information, you could dissuade your prospect is a far too common falsehood.

We will say, "If you want these benefits, buy my product. " This is done with the hope that a prospect' s curiosity about your bold claims will be enough to convince them to purchase. - be prepared to give as much information as needed to convince the potential buyer to make a purchase. Things people do not understand will always be greeted with" no. " The more information available when making a purchasing decision, the more likely they are to say" yes. " Another benefit of being transparent is the more resources you divulge free of charge, the more likely you are to generate interest in your product/ service. Transparency builds trust. Gain trust by associating yourself with things they respect. Secure associations along these lines and look to align yourself with trusted agencies through strategic partnerships.

By offering endorsements and testimonials, especially from well - known sources that your target market respects, you strike the chord of" trust. " Many a skeptic has purchased based on the recommendations of individuals they respect. - major endorsements mean less resistance and lots of sales. The structure of your offer can play a key role in building trust and enticing your prospect to buy. Offer a free trial, bargain, incentive, or guarantee. There are many variations of each, but incentives and guarantees are great ways to gain your potential buyer' s confidence. Incentives and discounts are also valuable tactics as they make the cynic feel they are getting a value.

Guarantees and free trails allow the skeptic to try the product/ service before determining if your offer is a good fit. - people always love the feeling of getting something for free and buying when it is a low/ no - risk transaction. You also communicate an important message that you are confident in what you sell. By guaranteeing the quality of your product/ service, you disarm the skeptic and encourage them to buy. Compare and differentiate yourself from your competitors. Is it commodity based, where the low price bidder wins? Know the nature of your business.

Is the strength of your brand a factor? - you must understand your competitors and their advantages and disadvantages. Is there something unique about your offer? Once you have both the knowledge of your competitors and an understanding of the skeptic' s needs, you can choose the most effective marketing angle. If possible, demonstrate the differences that make your product/ service unique or superior. We offer such phrases as: "The lowest cost" play to the desire for value. "The official" validate for authenticity. "The best" show superiority. "The only" offer exclusivity. Sell the relationship, not the product.

Relationships are more valuable to both you and the prospect than a one - time transaction. - contrary to popular belief, the best salespeople not only close deals, they foster relationships. For the salesperson, relationships bring repeat business and the ability to cross - market your offerings. For the skeptic, relationships help build trust. Increased referrals because you gain access to the prospect' s network base, and the ability to charge a premium because of the higher perceived value of your relationship. These bonds let them know they will not be abandoned after the transaction is finished.

Focus on benefits offered and value delivered. - ultimately, they are buying a relationship with you and your firm, not the product/ service, so approach selling that way. Self - interest is the skeptic' s primary concern, so focus on how your product/ service solves their problem, or satisfies their, fulfills their need desire. If your product satisfies a desire, focus on how it fills an emotional void. If your prospect is solely bottom - line focused, your presentation should be centered on how your product or service will make or save them money. Emotional selling differs from bottom - line selling because it focuses on feelings rather than metrics. Anything else will make a skeptic lose interest and you lose the sale. 1Isolate their objection.

Remember to focus on the benefits that concern your potential buyer. - in life and business, two of the greatest challenges are making intelligent decisions and properly following through on them. To do so, ask two types of questions: those to better understand your potential buyer and his/ her needs, and questions designed to lead your prospect to buy. One of your fundamental goals as a salesperson is to help people make informed decisions. A series of well - placed questions will allow you to isolate any objections. Any other question should be crafted in a way that allows for only one reasonable answer, and that answer should compel your prospect to agree with you. 1Don' t seem desperate!

You should brainstorm every possible reason a skeptic will not buy from you and comprise an effective solution or rebuttal for each. - your emotional state will be apparent to a skeptic. Everyone avoids a hard - pressed individual. Never appear as though you" need" a sale. Often we are conditioned to give to and buy from those who do not need our money. Therefore, it is imperative that you operate from a mindset of abundance. It is the same principle that makes us more likely give a rich man fifty - cents to make phone call because he has no change, than to a homeless man in need who makes the same request.

Understand there is always a bigger sale out there, so you need not be pressed for this one. - once internalized, these 11 points will mesh into an effective sales strategy. Your confidence will put the cynic at ease and make them more likely to buy from you. You will begin to think of them not as individual points to be mastered, but one comprehensive selling technique. Master them and win! They are designed to compliment each other and give you a thorough footing for selling to those who are naturally doubtful about you and your service.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Benefits Of Rapport Are Innumerable


The art of maintaining boundaries in rapport - "it is the business of thought to define things, to find the boundaries. It is the business of art to give things shape. " - Vance Palmer. Thought, is a ceaseless, indeed process of definition.

The benefits of rapport are innumerable. - it' s one of the early lessons i learned about the use of rapport. But there is also a downside to it. As a young man I sold encyclopedias from door - to - door. I' d learn about their families, their jobs, their kids, and all of the things that were going on in their lives. I' d go into a person' s house and immediately begin the process of gaining rapport with them.

One time I was working in Washington in a little city that was undergoing some very difficult financial times. - but i had booked a room and made the travel plans and gotten into it and so i had to make some sales. I didn' t know it before I started working in the area. I had a heck of a time getting appointments and when I finally did get appointments I would sit down with my prospects, and learn about them, and make my presentation, and eventually I would ask them, 'Do you see the value in what I' ve shown you so far? ' 'Sure. These are great encyclopedias. ' 'And can you see with our answering service how your child will have help answering all of their questions? I definitely see the value.

And couldn' t you also see yourself using these books as well? ' 'Absolutely. - so let' s get you started. ' 'well, you see, we' d like to, but with the mill closing' and they' d go into their sad story. I' d love to use these and I know my children would benefit immensely. ' 'Certainly. I was in such deep rapport with them that after they' d get done telling me their story, I' d buy into it. Until I realized, all of a sudden, I think this, oops is kind of hurting me, and what I did, is I didn, one day' t have as much rapport, or so I thought, didn' t have nearly as much, but they liked the materials so well and even though they didn' t have the money, they said they were going to go ahead and buy it. I' d almost be in tears. 'Well, I understand that, of course you' re not going to buy anything from me today, you know, I mean, we can always come back at some later time in the future, and if you just make sure and have my information, my card, we' ll be able to come in when you do have some money, when you' re able to get back to work. ' And, I did this day, after day, after day. After they' d bought it, they told me their story about how the mill had closed, and how they weren' t working, but their kids were the most important thing to them that even though they didn' t have the money, their kids were most important and they were going to do it.

They were not going to allow them to suffer because of their financial situation, and they would do whatever it took in order to get their kids the education they needed. - what a revelation that was so even though you' re not working, that may play a part. What this story illustrates is that I realized if you jump into rapport with somebody and get in there really deep, you might forget about your outcome. We want the our clients to be putty in our hands. When that happens you become putty in their hands, instead of the other way around. When creating this rapport, maintain your outcome.

Set it strong in your heart that no matter what they have to say to you, your outcome is going to be realized. - maintain the intention of what it is you' re going to do. Intention is what makes these skills so powerful. Think about this before each and every sales interaction: what is your intention? Your intention is not to make new friends, your intention is to sell.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Update The Customer Of Progress


Yes, i mind waiting - 10 ways to reduce lineup stress for staff and customers - yes, i mind waiting. 10 ways to reduce lineup stress for staff and customers. If you answered positively to any of these options, then you' re like most of us who definitely do mind waiting.

How do you let a cashier know that you' re in a hurry when you' re waiting in line? look at you watch and shake your head. sigh, and roll your, huff eyes. complain to others in the line. say to the person at the till, "We' re in a hurry here! " all of the above. - lineups are frustrating. That means that if you don' t manage your lineups properly, you' ll lose business due to customer frustration. They are barriers that prevent customers from fulfilling necessary and often tedious tasks. Not to mention your staff will be stressed - out. Most managers think the best way to manage a lineup is to get the staff to work faster. That' s a lose/ lose scenario.

Often, this only creates worse problems. - it' s impossible to go flat - out without eventual burn - out. Consider the impact on your staff of trying to work at full speed. Morale drops. Tired employees make more mistakes. Turnover increases.

Which take even more time to fix. - only a fool would want tired, aggravated employees interacting with customers. Ditto for the negative impact of working faster on your customers. Working faster to get through a line - up cuts short the human interaction that creates customer feelings of loyalty. Instead, we need ways to reduce the stress of lineups for both customers and staff - without working faster. In the long term, working faster doesn' t work. Here are ten: Warn the customer in advance.

Though delays can happen for legitimate medical reasons, some doctor' s offices reduce patient frustration by phoning in advance and warning them of the delay. - ever been frustrated by the long waiting - room lineup to see a doctor? (i, know - silly question) . If your customer calls and says that they plan to come in, suggest the best times for them to drop - in to avoid waiting. If you know the customer will have some" preliminaries" when they arrive - such as filling out forms, suggest that they arrive early to complete them before the scheduled appointment or event. Schedule time for preparatory tasks. Acknowledge people entering the line.

That means a person who wants to spend money is being deliberately ignored. - too often, the first time the employee acknowledges the customer is when they get to the front of the line. Lousy strategy. Organize the line. Instead, acknowledge customers with a" Hi there! " or" I' ll be with you in just a few minutes! " as they enter the lineup. Often, people don' t mind waiting if they can avoid standing in line and yet still keep their place. They' re paged just before it' s their turn.

Some restaurants and medical offices give customers pagers so they can go shopping while they wait. - distract and entertain the customer. Instead, they added mirrors to the inside of the elevator. A sociology experiment found that the best way to speed - up a slow elevator was not to add a faster motor. People got so caught - up in looking at themselves they thought the ride was twice as fast. Examples: - Restaurants could offer reading material to people who are dining alone. - Disney theme parks provide video updates about the ride you waiting for. - any unusual conversation piece will take your customer on a mental holiday.

Lesson: you can reduce the perceived length of the lineup with a distraction. - a orlando hotel distracts guests waiting to register by herding live ducks to the fountain in the lobby. Provide seating, food and drink. Provide comfort. On busy Saturdays, a Calgary car wash brings you free pop and hot dogs while you wait in your vehicle. Prevent frazzled nerves for everyone by providing a play area for toddlers. Amuse the kids.

Parents will love you for it. - even if you' re not completely ready for the customer, you can still let them know you' re working on their behalf. Update the customer of progress. A travel agent, can phone the, for example client to inform them that they' ve booked the flights, and are working on the hotel. If it' s an unusually long delay, apologize to the customer, explain the delay and thank them for waiting. Explain unusual delays. When a pharmacist explained to me that his assistant had quit that day, so he was short staffed, I didn' t mind the wait.

If your lineups are sporadic you can increase capacity on the spot without spending extra money. - if he hadn' t pointed that out, i wouldn' t have returned. 1increase staff at no extra cost. Carol Chuback, manager of a Greyhound Courier Depot, installed a doorbell under the cashier' s counter. Bottom line - no one likes lineups. When the teller notices more than 2 people is line, he discretely rings the doorbell signaling to a co - worker in the back to come to assist at the front counter. But that' s no reason to ask staff to burn themselves out. That' s what I call win/ win.

By getting creative you' ll boost your repeat business, and you' ll make the buying experience more pleasant for everyone.

Monday, September 22, 2008

You Earn A Superb 5% Of The Advertisers Spend On Your Referral' S Website


Pay per play ads: how to earn from 100% of your website visitors - usually, for a webmaster to earn from a visitor to his website he would be hoping for the sale of one of his own downloadable products, a click on a google adsense ad or perhaps the sale of an affiliate product. However, a brand new technology called Pay Per Play ads now gives webmasters the ability to earn from every single visitor to their sites and easily turn struggling websites into profitable ones. As many webmasters will confess though, achieving one of the above is often easier said than done and a high percentage of websites struggle to turn in a regular profit even though they get reasonable traffic figures on a regular basis.

To earn from a website visitor, that visitor won' t have to buy a product, the visitor won' t have to sign up for anything, in fact that visitor won' t even have to click a link. - the company running the pay per play system is called netaudioads and they have been operating successfully for a number of years and have been serving up over 40 million audio ads each and every month. 66, 000 advertisers( including major household names such as burger king, taco bell and harley - davidson) are already on board and are ready to pay you for every visitor you get to you your existing websites as well as websites specifically created for maximizing the potential of ppp ads. It works like this: You add a simple bit of code to your webpage( similar to adding Adsense code to your site) , then, when a visitor arrives on your site, a 5 second audio ad plays. and you get paid! With PPP ads you earn 25% of the' pay per play' revenue spent by the advertisers that play the audio ads on your site. You also of course get paid on 100% of your visitors! Advertisers bid for their placement( much like you would bid for your place with Google Adwords) so it will be the top paying audio ads that will appear on your site.

The other way you can earn is by simply referring other website owners to run PPP ads on their websites. - and let me clarify, this means that a webmaster you introduce will earn 25% on ads played on his site and you will earn 5% . but that' s not 5% of how much he earns. it' s 5% of the total spend from advertisers on his site. You earn a superb 5% of the advertisers spend on your referral' s website. That' s a massive difference and just think how much that could add up if you could introduce a few webmasters with good traffic. Pay Per Play ads are destined to become the preferred income method for webmasters over the coming months. As a further incentive, you also earn a further 5% from anyone your direct referrals bring on board.

The benefits to be had by early adopters who are able to share the concept with others are even greater!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

He Began To Believe In The' Everything Happens For A Reason' Foundation


The persuasive power of supporting evidence - i got a call from an acquaintance a while back. Well, I checked my e - mail and found, that I won, unbelievably an international lottery which originated in Africa.

He said, 'Do you remember the conversation we had about Africa? - i' m just convinced that everything happens for a reason, aren' t you? ' i thought for a few moments and i responded, 'you know, i think you' re right. From this conversation I realized that people are always looking for evidence to support what they want in their environment. Everything does happen for a reason and really it' s a good thing that we' re talking right now. ' I went on to explain that I personally win probably three or four international lotteries a day and none of them are real. In his case my acquaintance wanted to believe this lottery was real and used a coincidental conversation as his support. I didn' t like bursting his bubble, but it kept him from losing money. He began to believe in the' everything happens for a reason' foundation.

But it was also a valuable lesson for both of us. - why do people look for supporting evidence for what they want in their environment? For me, I realized the use of this language pattern or phrase, can be used in persuasion with amazing results, enabling us to influence in a deep and profound way. Oftentimes they do this because our world is very unstable. My goal in teaching this pattern is to break down the tremendous power of language, specific phrases and words, and how they relate to persuasion. Whenever there' s a tremendous lack of stability, with everything kind of up in the air, people start turning to religion, they start turning to God, they start turning to spirituality and they become more superstitious.

My goal is to help you to have more success in life. - when i told my acquaintance that' everything does happen for a reason' i was implying and alluding to something much more than what he understood had happened. My goal is NOT to push spirituality or religion or change anyone' s orientation or move you towards some way of thinking or away from another. I said, 'It' s a good thing we are talking because. . .' This sets the stage for me to have an entry point into his mind, and I was able to explain the difficulty he might have faced if he were to move forward with this lottery e - mail he received. These language patterns are powerful and very popular in our current cultural lexicon. As persuaders, we can give people the supporting evidence they are looking for. Here' s one way you can use this: Say you' re an adviser and you' re talking with a potential client and they say something really positive like, 'It' s a good idea I' m talking with you today because. . . ' This is an excellent place to use this pattern.

You know, there are no, after all accidents, right? ' Is that a stretch to say? - respond simply by saying, 'absolutely. I don' t think it' s a stretch for anybody, no matter what our belief system is. No language pattern is an island and our goal as persuaders is to layer pattern upon pattern and these patterns piece together a deeper sense of reality when you do this right, what you' re going to be doing is using all sorts of these patterns at high speed. After all, everything happens for a reason, it' s just a matter of whether or not it' s a reason you like.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

T Invest In Some Ad Tracking Software Sooner


What adtracking software should you use - running a business can be extremely time consuming. When most people think about saving money during the course of running a business, sometimes they tend to forget that by saving time, they are actually saving money. And, most business owners would love to find innovative products that can help them to save time and money.

If they utilize different pieces of software to help keep their business running smoothly, then they will be freeing up their employees to be able to do something else for the business such as creating sales. - the functions that this software is able to do will outstand any business owner, and will make them ask the question as to why they didn& rsquo. One piece of software that has come in very handy for a lot of business owners would be the use of some ad tracking software. T invest in some ad tracking software sooner. When getting involved with some Internet marketing, there are a few things that you must keep in mind to be successful. Not only will this software be able to help you keep track and manage every part of you advertising campaign, but because some of the functions would be currently done by employees it will also enable you to free up valuable man - hours and utilize these hours in a more effective and efficient way.

The potential to gain a massive traffic base from the Internet is great, but if you& rsquo. - this is where ad - tracking software would come in and show it& rsquo. Re using the wrong methods when doing your advertising, you could be potentially hurting your business instead of helping it. S true colors. You can then make the decision to drop the ones that aren& rsquo. With this type of software you will be able to discover what ad campaigns are working for you and which ones are not.

T working and concentrate on the ones that are. - they could choose to go with banner ads, e - mail ads, professional writers, forum posting, ghostwriters or paid blog posts. There are several methods that a person could use when contemplating trying out Internet marketing. An s all these different programs come with a different price tag, it is imperative for the business owner to know which ad campaigns are working the most effectively to drive in extra traffic and which ones are not. Whether or not you have a great product or service makes no difference if you can& rsquo. With this information in hand, the business owner can then decide on a professional level in which direction to choose.

T seem to attract the customers to come to your site to view the products and services. - the other thing that you really must keep in mind, is that you should always be constantly comparing and checking your advertising stats to ensure the advertising method that is working for you today will continue to work for you tomorrow. So this is why it is so important for you to find out accurate information concerning your advertising methods. Any business owner that is involved with multiple ad campaigns can tell you what a headache it can be when trying to track where their advertising dollars are being spent and if their advertising dollars are being spent in the most effective way. This is exactly why you would need to invest in some type of ad tracking software. Advertising is a great method to get your business known, but if your targeting the wrong people then all you advertising dollars would be going to waste.

This software can give you exact details on where your money is being spent and if you are directing your advertising dollars in the right areas. - you would be able to see the return of your investment on any ad campaign and be able to make any decisions you need to. By purchasing and installing ad - tracking software you could track several different ad campaigns simultaneously. From a click of your mouse, you will be able to accurately see where the advertising dollars are being spent and from where your sales or customers are coming from. By determining which campaigns are working the best for your company, you could then revise your marketing efforts and direct more of your advertising dollars to the campaigns that are working the best for you. This is extremely important to any business owner, as any ad campaign that does not produce sales or customers is a major drain on any ad campaign budget.

To check all this information manually would take up hundreds of man house, which could cost your business more money in the end. - although some people will argue that an ad tracking software will cost you extra money, there is also the argument that ad tracking software can save you money. So, by using ad - tracking software, not only do you have the potential to save a lot of cash in advertising efforts, but you can also save valuable money by utilizing your employees in a more effective manner. Once you have the system in place and up and running, you will be able to see on which campaigns that you are wasting your money. By eliminating this waste, you would have actually paid for the software.

Friday, September 19, 2008

MLM Isn' T For Everybody


Mlm training - are you teaching people to succeed or fail - have you ever been to one of those mlm meetings or on one of those conference calls where everybody says how easy it is to make money in their mlm opportunity? Have you ever stopped to realize that all you' re doing when you say those things is setting people up to fail? Anybody can do this and we' ll all be making a fortune in no time!

When your new excited person experiences rejection and it isn' t easy for them, they feel like they must be the problem. - i knew i wasn' t a good salesperson. It' s working for everybody else, there must be something wrong with me. I knew I couldn' t do it, I' ve never been good at anything in my life. NO wonder so many people think MLM is a scam. We are destroying people that could become very successful by giving them unrealistic expectations.

When your new prospect joins your MLM opportunity and all they do is struggle, they think it' s their fault! - realistic expectations. How do you avoid" destroying" your new team members? Make sure they know that MLM can and will change their life, but that success doesn' t happen overnight. Less than 1% of all multi level marketers ever achieve a 6 figure income. Sit down with them and make sure that they know that they won' t be rich in a month, but if they work their business consistently they can achieve the life changing success they desire. We could debate that figure all day long, maybe it' s too high or maybe it' s too low, but whatever the figure really is many people hate it when somebody talks about it.

Because if they are one of the many people that hype MLM as their way of doing business they certainly don' t want you to hear something as alarming as that. - why? We' ve been fortunate to have been successful in MLM for a decade now and we know the truth about MLM. So how did we become the former mlm loser? Sorry, we forgot to mention that we were gigantic failures in every other MLM company we had ever been in. Realistic expectations!

Nothing like a few failures to get you grounded! - this time we knew that it wasn' t going to happen overnight. This time we knew we were going to have to get better, we were going to have to grow and we were going to have to stay in a company longer than a few weeks to have real, long term MLM, life changing success. Instead of thinking that all we would have to do is talk to a few people, we would have known that there was more to it than that. What would have happened if we had been told the real truth about MLM before? Most people just aren' t prepared properly to succeed in MLM. Shouldn' t you be discouraged that only 1% (if those figures are correct) of the people that join MLM opportunities ever make it to a six figure income?

They could be, but we get them so high on hype that when they come down from that high the only thing left to do is quit. - no you shouldn' t and here' s why, 70% of the people that start an mlm business will quit without doing much of anything. Why should that make me feel good? That' s right 7 out of 10 people are going to quit in a few days, weeks or months. You are absolutely in control of your life in MLM. Every other MLM opportunity that we became involved in we were in the 70% of the people who quit.

If you will just stay in the game you can have tremendous success. - if you just stay in your company more than a few weeks your odds have now improved to a 1 in 30 shot at making$ 100, 000 a year! Get serious! Staying in the business isn' t enough, now it' s time to realize that MLM is the greatest chance you will ever have at a better life than you' re living right now. Find a mentor, somebody that has already accomplished what you want to accomplish, and listen to him or her. MLM isn' t for everybody.

Do what your mentor says to do and ignore all the negative influences in your life! - some people are willing to give up the possibility of a much better life because they failed once, or even twice in mlm. None of our friends who earn substantial money in MLM were successful in all the other things they were involved in. That just makes you normal! So what? Tell people the real truth about MLM.

That doesn' t mean that you can' t make it this time. - there are no overnight mlm success stories but if you have realistic expectations and go to work, you' ll be amazed at the success you will enjoy for the rest of your life.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

One Can' T Overlook The Probabilities Of A Career Transition By Being Either Too Optimistic Or Trying To Ignore It


Your simple plan to preparing for a career transition - when you are facing a career transition, such as a layoff, or your company goes through bad times, you may be shocked and angry. The truth is that most changes in business are not that swift.

You may think there was no warning and that there is no security in your world. - they take time and there are any number of signals as to the health of the business and the potential for layoffs. You are uneasy about change and you convince yourself that it is not necessary to change. There are even personal signals that you may be feeling that you simply overlook because you are comfotable being defined by the current job you have. You' re job pays the bills and you don' t want to have to exert yourself to go after a dream that may not succeed. To be utterly realistic, experts agree that most people will follow multiple career paths as they get older or the business environment changes. The problem with this approach to life is that overlooking things doesn' t make them go away.

So, if this is really how it is, it is necessary to be proactive and take control. - it is bound to happen to you, it' s just a matter of when. One can' t overlook the probabilities of a career transition by being either too optimistic or trying to ignore it. If you are well prepared for the eventuality of a career change, the transition can be very easy and even personally rewarding. The choice is basically your own as to whether you want to take charge of your career and manage it to produce contentment or continue to float down some wayward stream that doesn' t have direction or security. If you choose to overlook the signs, then the process can be the hardest experience to come your way in years. You must learn to inspire and motivate yourself to not only be happy in your work, but love your job too!

You just have to pay attention to yourself and decide what inspires you to begin with. - if the present situation isn' t speaking to your personal passions, you can change your life to start out on a new area of exploration. You can always be working towards the future and making your own opportunities in a manner that appears almost magical to others. In order to be able to accomplish your goals, you have to learn to free yourself from your own fears and the tendency to float through life. That' s because you chose to find what motivated you and to set up some contingency plans in preparation for a career transition. This requires a basic foundation of learning how to be financially responsible and practical.

By having a plan and taking control, you can teach yourself to feel confidence instead of fear. - the two things that keep most people working in an area they hate are fear and debt. By managing your money to get rid of extreme credit card debt or potentially risky investments, you can feel more confident knowing you can pay your bills. Remember, the smartest thing you can do to be prepared for the future is to save at least six month' s living expenses in the bank as an emergency fund to help you get through the first initial months of a career transition.

Monday, September 15, 2008

This Is The Most Appealing Feature Of Many Franchise Systems


Franchising pros and cons - last week' s question from anthony r. on how to choose the franchise that would best fulfill his life - long dream of owning his own business sparked a number of emails from other readers wanting to offer their two cents on the subject. Hmm, sounds like it' s time to update the old business card once again. Some folks offered helpful insights and suggestions on how to pick a franchise and a few things to watch out for, while other emails came from current franchise owners asking me to help them sell their operations to Anthony R.

Tim Knox: Franchise Broker At Large... Who knows, maybe I can franchise the concept. - keep in mind that there are thousands of franchise opportunities that range from the low end opportunities available for a few thousand dollars to the high end franchises that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Last week I promised we' d take a closer look at a few of the things you should look for when considering a franchise opportunity. The difference in price is reflected in many ways: the viability of the opportunity, the level of training and support offered to the franchisee, the track record and financial stability of the franchisor, the success rate of the franchisees, and a dozen other factors. Many also have very little interest in weeding out potential franchisees. All a lower end franchisor might offer is a training manual and the right to use their company name. The truth is many are in business just to collect franchise fees.

If you have a pulse and a checkbook, you can become their franchisee. - they have little interest in whether or not a franchisee actually succeeds. And your pulse does not have to be that strong. They also go to much greater lengths to ensure the success of their franchisees. The higher end franchisors have very strict franchisee requirements and will not allow just anyone to become a part of their franchise system. They offer complete hand holding from start to finish and remain heavily involved in the business even after the doors open.

Here are a few things to look for in a franchise opportunity: Turnkey operation. - yes, you do pay dearly for their assistance, but as the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. This is the most appealing feature of many franchise systems. Furthermore, they will work closely with you for the first few months to help make certain that you know what to do with the keys once they' ve been tossed to you. Many of the top franchisors will scout the best location for the business, build and equip the facility, hire and train employees, put you through an extensive management training system, then toss you the keys. The majority of franchises don' t offer such complete turnkey packages, so be prepared to do much of the upfront work yourself.

Proven track record and management system. - often it is up to you to find a location, build out the, negotiate the lease space or erect a building, hire and train, install the equipment a staff etc. As mentioned earlier, many of the lesser - known franchise systems offer you a training manual, maybe a training video, and a few hours of telephone support. A good franchisor will provide you with thorough management training, either at their facility or onsite at yours. Not the best way to learn how to run a business. Since one of the reasons for buying into a franchise system is to tap into their expertise and know - how, thorough training should be a foremost consideration.

I don' t have the statistics in my pocket to back this up, but I, of course' d bet the farm that every time a new McDonald' s opens its door, it' s a mere matter of minutes before the first Happy Meal is sold. - customers waiting for the door to open. Many franchisors spend hundreds of millions of dollars on national ad campaigns to promote brand awareness. Always consider the downsides. This works great for the franchisee who can literally have customers waiting for the doors to open on the first day of business. There are downsides to franchising.

The top franchise opportunities require considerable investment on the front end, usually more of an investment than if the entrepreneur started a similar venture on his own. - foremost is the high cost of entry. You could open an independent hamburger fast food restaurant for a fraction of the McDonald' s franchise fee, but you probably won' t sell as many hamburgers. What you' re buying is a brand, and a proven, a reputation business system with ready to eat customers. What you' re buying from McDonald' s is not just a fast food restaurant that sells hamburgers. Be prepared to pay a premium for it.

You might also be required to buy supplies from the franchisor, paperwork, including inventory, software, and anything else, computer systems the franchisor decides that they should supply to you. - another downside is that when you buy into a franchise system you often have to pay a percentage of your revenues back to the franchisor. And there in lies the biggest downside of all. You have very little say - so in running the business. When you buy into a franchise system you don' t control your business, the franchisor does. You must follow their processes and procedures without variation. The new owner would have to be approved by the franchisor before a deal could be made final.

And should you decide to get out of the business you may not even be allowed to sell the franchise to just anyone. - the bottomline, is to do, anthony your homework and make sure the franchise you choose fits your personality, and your pocket, your lifestyle book.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Machine Has A Self - Feeding Mechanism


Guide to auger curbing equipments - twin auger rotating concrete curbing machine is one the most widely used auger curbing equipments. Twin auger rotating concrete curbing machine. This technology is patented by the Curb - King who are the oldest and one of the most reputed names in curbing equipment manufacturers.

Twin auger rotating concrete curbing machine operates on twin counter rotating augers which work together and provide the positive, and constant pressure required to propel the machine forward. - along with the prior the vibrating augers, hopper and the housing convert the relatively dry material fluid from hopper to slip form. The Curbing structure is equipped with Dyna - Form drive system for efficient curb forming. The machine has a self - feeding mechanism. Fast: The self - feeding hopper and the twin augers make the machine efficient laying upto twelve feet per minute. Features.

The machine can perform relentlessly and at a constant rate with same efficiency. - swing mounted leveling jacks: the swing arms mounted on the leveling jack allow you to fix one wheel in the trench and the other on to the side. Labor Saving: Since the machine can easily climb as much as 4 to 5 inches, it doesn' t needs a perfect ground preparation, thus saves labor. The former controls the steering, and level of, depth the curb, providing you a even and level laid curb. This wheel can easily be adjusted over rough terrain without changing the depth or level of the curb. The wheel on the side is called the catering wheel, which controls the side - to - side level. Flexibility: The straight upside and swing arms of the machine provides with great flexibility while maneuvering around obstacles.

The reversible slipforms enables you to start from either end as well. - you can move the structure close to any wall, shrubs or tree. Compact Design: The machine weighs not more than 150 lbs with an overall length is 36 inches. If your planning to make it big in the concrete curbing business Twin auger rotating concrete curbing machine will greatly help you with efficient and economic operation and will lead you ahead of your competitors with better profitability. In addition as being electric or gas powered the machine is very suitable for lawns and garden.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Commonly Used Chords


Online lesson on basic guitar chords - don' t get discouraged if you' re trying to learn the guitar. Once you get a feel for the basic chords, you can go deeper and learn how chords are made of major and minor guitar scales.

Follow the steps below and soon you' ll be playing your favorite songs by learning basic guitar chords. - popular songs sometimes only have three chords. Maybe you haven t, but at any rate you might be interested to know that these songs along with Twist and Shout and Hang on Snoopy are all built from three major chords. Have you ever heard Wild Thing or Louie Louie and wondered what chords make up these songs? They are the A, D, and E chords. What is a chord?

What Exactly is a Chord? - a chord is two or more notes played together. With the guitar, you can make chords by strumming, three strings simultaneously, as a minimum to send out three notes or more. A common type of chord is called a triad, which is three notes played at the same time. It s simple to see that with the guitar having only six strings that the max number of notes in a guitar chord is going to be six. Now it is important to understand that there are many different variations of chords.

Basic Chord Types. - three of the most common types of chords are major, and sevenths, minor. For example, if you need some solemn and meditative chords, use minor chords. The way in which you use these chords will determine the type of music or mood that you will make. If you want a really solid and stable sound, then you will want to be using major chords. Commonly Used Chords.

If you want a jazzier yet somewhat incomplete sounding chord, you would want to go with seventh chords. - just as you would need to know several basic phrases in the case of learning another language, so you will need to learn around 6 - 16 chords fluently in order to really have a grip on playing the guitar. A, G, C, D, E, F, Am, Em, and Dm chords( note: the lowercase m next to the letter means that it is a minor chord. ) Get Out your Guitar and Strum Some Chords. Some of the most common chords are listed below. Now that we understand the need to learn chords, let s look at what steps there are to help you learn chords. Start by simply choosing at least two of the basic chords and work on the transition between the two.

Get a chart of guitar chords and look at where the fingering is for each chord. - make sure that it sounds good. You must remember that although its hard at first, you are going to make progress and it will become easier to play the guitar by consistently playing it. The fact is that if it sounds good you are probably doing it right. (HINT: If it doesn t sound good to you, press down on the strings firmer with your fingers. ) Now learn to enjoy playing guitar chords by choosing a few of your favorite songs that have these basic guitar chords and play them until you can sing along. (FYI: Beatles have a great selection of well known songs that use basic guitar chords as the foundation. ) Play daily! Practice! So you' ve made it this far and you' re hungry for more guitar lessons, why don' t you check out guitar tabs for beginners Now it' s Your Turn to Learn the Guitar. Remember guitar practice makes perfect guitar music!

At any rate, the only way to know that the guitar is for you and your friends is to give it a try. - good luck and maybe this can be one of those things that you can look back on and say, i am sure glad i learned to play the guitar

Sunday, September 7, 2008

CD Storage Methods


Guide to cd storage - your cd collection is your most precious possession. Whether it is your cinema CDs or DVDs or those related to work, they are an important aspect of your life, and thus need to be taken care of, properly. You wouldn' t even think of keeping them loose.

Thus it is important that you have a right kind of CD storage cases and cabinets, which properly stores and preserves your CDs. - cd storage methods. There are many ways in which you can store your CD collection. There are many ways in which you can store your CDs. There are many types of racks, made of different materials like wood, silver and stained, wrought iron steel finishes! Following are the options that you can choose from - CD racks - If you have enough CDs then this is the best option for you.

These racks differ in sizes, but a standard size can occupy roughly 100 CD slots. CD cabinets - These are an ideal option, for those who want to store your CDs in a closed, protected environment. - the cabinets are generally made of wood, and have drawers. cd storage cases - cd storage cases are ideal for those who do not have enough space, and want to store the cds without their covers. They will be protected from dust, and thus damage, moisture and sunlight will be avoided. Although they offer protection, the disadvantage is that you cannot keep the covers. You can either buy plastic, cloth or a rich leather finished pouch, which looks very stylish and elegant. The CD storage cases come in different materials. Generally the storage capacity of these cases is roughly about 100 to 150 CDs.

Keep these things in mind while choosing a CD wallet or case and you will have a protected and durable CD storage experience. - before choosing a storage case, you must keep the following things in mind - 1) should have a sturdy shell case. 2) easy usability. 3) a good quality zipper. 4) inner cloth for extra protection and an outer plastic for the cd cover and/ or label. You can log on to the web on any e - commerce website, and order you can choose from a number of types of CD cases, which will be delivered to your door step!

Friday, September 5, 2008

International Trends In Jeans


Global world denim industry scenario - from work pants to designer ones, the pair of jeans has indeed come a long way. There is also a conflict about the origin of the words' jeans' and' denim' . There is a debate among textile historians regarding the origin of the jeans.

According to some experts, the word' denim' originated from' serge de nimes' , a fabric woven in Nimes in France. - some experts are of the opinion that' jean' was a fabric produced in italy, which was a mix of cotton, linen and/ or wool. As per some other experts, the word' denim' was derived from the word' nim' , which was a fabric specially woven in France. However, both the terms' denim' and' jeans' are used interchangeably in today' s times. It is accepted by people of all age groups, all over the world. The concept of jeans has evolved from that of strictly work clothes to that of comfortable and casual wear.

Jeans has always been an evergreen piece of clothing. - initially, it was introduced as work pants, but then it emerged as a fashion statement. It has gone through a lot of changes from time to time. The classic blue jeans are still a hot favorite with several people. International trends in jeans. In the last decade, embroidered and designer jeans came into fashion. The following are some of the types of jeans that are the latest in fashion all over the world: Colored jeans: Jeans in various colors like red, white and pink are in vogue.

Wide legged jeans: Jeans that have a slim fit on the thighs and wide legs are in high demand nowadays. - several celebrities such as ashley simpson and rachel bilson have been noted to be wearing colored jeans. Such jeans are also called boot cut jeans. High waist jeans: After the trend of low waist jeans, high waist jeans are back in fashion. Celebrities like Naomi Campbell and Angela Basset have been seen sporting wide legged jeans. Both - high waist jeans with wide legs as well as with a skinny fit - are popular.

Skinny jeans: Skinny jeans are popular again. - celebrities such as jennifer lopez have been noted to be wearing high waist jeans. Famous personalities like Nicole Ritchie and Hillary Duff have been seen wearing skinny jeans. Copyright(C) 2007

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Men, Are Guided To Love Their Mate As Them Self


Top reasons for breakdown in love and relationships - current info about relationships is not always the easiest thing to locate. It seems like new information is discovered about something every day. Fortunately, this report includes the latest relationships info available.

And the topic of relationships is no exception. - common causes that lead to divorce and/ or separation include jealousy. Keep reading to get more fresh news about relationships. Other problems such as abuse, adultery, bigamy, guilt, imprison, abandonment, conflicting beliefs, disrespect, inconsideration, and lack of commitment in general. One form is harmful while the other form is legit. Jealousy comes in two forms. Jealousy delivered in disposition of attitude and/ or feelings often cause harm, while zealous forms of jealousy enforce love.

Zealous mates will work hard to make sure harmful objects or persons are not in the way of true love. - zealous is a watchfulness eye that looks out for the loved one. Zealous persons will labor throughout the relationship to deliver and fulfill needs to their mate. If a man has a wandering eye, of course this is wrong, since it is showing disregard and lack of respect to the mate. Jealousy acted out on hurt emotions can, only further the problem. The action also tells the mate that if someone else came along the man may stray.

Of course, the mate may feel jealous and with good cause, but allowing the emotions to override thought will only enforce the inappropriate behaviors of the partner. - the action further tells the mate that lust is the partners may focus, thus elements of love that make the relationship firm are non - existing, or lacking. Inappropriate habits and behaviors, which include careless viewing of programs, or careless consideration in choices overall can increase jealousy, since the emotions become triggered. Thus, obvious reason for jealousy exist( zealous) since the mate is wronged, thus the relationship will have problems. If the partner has a habit of watching nude programs, or else reading, pornography materials of such content, he/ she is lacking respect for the mate. When a person loves another person, the mate will hold the up most attention to the partner. Rather, the man will take pleasure and enjoyment with his mate' s makeup, satisfaction and joy, and find pleasure from the person.

A man that loves his wife will not be looking at other women with sexual eye, or else with intentions of spicing up the relationship. - women are not objects of sexuality, however women as, or entertainment well as men are objects, since both work with the other to breakdown relationships. Abuse is another form of disrespect, inconsideration and an action that breaks down relationships. Thus, this type of relationship is a one - way street, since one partner is self - devoted, and focuses on lust, while the other partner is working alone to keep a relationship alive. Love may exist on one end of the relationship, but at the other end hate lurks the chambers of the hurting souls. Women that abuse good men that will not hit a woman are poor excuses of women. When a man and/ or women strike their mate, since physically he, especially a man is stronger, love is not, thus evident.

Likewise, men that batter women are poor excuses of human beings. - when a man strikes his mate, the bible clearly states that any man treated his wife treacherous will meet the wrath of god. Men, are guided to love their mate as them self. Thus, the hate inside these types of men has no room for love and commitment. When a mate commits an act of adultery or fornication with another individual outside of the relationship, thus the person is showing disregard and inconsideration to the partner in the relationship. These types are surefire illustrations of self - devotion and self - gratification. When the mate continues the deceitful treatment against the mate by lying, thus over time the relationship will fail, since God has a way of making the light known to others.

Thus, adultery or acts inappropriate in relationships often lead to guilt. - when a person commits bigamy, adultery or fornication outside a relationship, thus the person is saying to the mate that you have no worth to me. Guilt is the number one force that will consume the mind and eat at it until someone snaps. When word gets around about your command of relationships facts, others who need to know about relationships will start to actively seek you out. When a person lives on good standards and beliefs, it leaves little, thus room for guilt therefore a relationship will stand.