The persuasive power of supporting evidence - i got a call from an acquaintance a while back. Well, I checked my e - mail and found, that I won, unbelievably an international lottery which originated in Africa.
He said, 'Do you remember the conversation we had about Africa? - i' m just convinced that everything happens for a reason, aren' t you? ' i thought for a few moments and i responded, 'you know, i think you' re right. From this conversation I realized that people are always looking for evidence to support what they want in their environment. Everything does happen for a reason and really it' s a good thing that we' re talking right now. ' I went on to explain that I personally win probably three or four international lotteries a day and none of them are real. In his case my acquaintance wanted to believe this lottery was real and used a coincidental conversation as his support. I didn' t like bursting his bubble, but it kept him from losing money. He began to believe in the' everything happens for a reason' foundation.
But it was also a valuable lesson for both of us. - why do people look for supporting evidence for what they want in their environment? For me, I realized the use of this language pattern or phrase, can be used in persuasion with amazing results, enabling us to influence in a deep and profound way. Oftentimes they do this because our world is very unstable. My goal in teaching this pattern is to break down the tremendous power of language, specific phrases and words, and how they relate to persuasion. Whenever there' s a tremendous lack of stability, with everything kind of up in the air, people start turning to religion, they start turning to God, they start turning to spirituality and they become more superstitious.
My goal is to help you to have more success in life. - when i told my acquaintance that' everything does happen for a reason' i was implying and alluding to something much more than what he understood had happened. My goal is NOT to push spirituality or religion or change anyone' s orientation or move you towards some way of thinking or away from another. I said, 'It' s a good thing we are talking because. . .' This sets the stage for me to have an entry point into his mind, and I was able to explain the difficulty he might have faced if he were to move forward with this lottery e - mail he received. These language patterns are powerful and very popular in our current cultural lexicon. As persuaders, we can give people the supporting evidence they are looking for. Here' s one way you can use this: Say you' re an adviser and you' re talking with a potential client and they say something really positive like, 'It' s a good idea I' m talking with you today because. . . ' This is an excellent place to use this pattern.
You know, there are no, after all accidents, right? ' Is that a stretch to say? - respond simply by saying, 'absolutely. I don' t think it' s a stretch for anybody, no matter what our belief system is. No language pattern is an island and our goal as persuaders is to layer pattern upon pattern and these patterns piece together a deeper sense of reality when you do this right, what you' re going to be doing is using all sorts of these patterns at high speed. After all, everything happens for a reason, it' s just a matter of whether or not it' s a reason you like.
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