Sunday, November 9, 2008

Decrease And Eliminate Energy Drains


Recharging your batteries - staying on top of your game - in the past century our lives have become more complicated. Well, times have certainly changed.

By comparison, our ancestors led a simpler life, with priorities focused on family and community life. - we are accessible by beeper, text message, cell phone, voicemail, email and instant message, and fax, telephone - all day or night. Add job responsibilities. Whew! Including two family incomes or single parenting, family and community, living single relationships, and other time commitments. Is it any wonder we often feel like we have no time to really enjoy our lives because we always have someone or some responsibility to attend to? "I can' t seem to get motivated or focused.

We' re so busy operating in hyper - drive( especially in the USA! ) that we can forget how to relax and unwind. - i feel stuck, distracted, i feel tired... like i should be doing more and i just don' t feel like doing very much. " sound familiar? Symptoms of burnout include: Feeling emotionally over reactive especially with anger. Depression. Diminished performance/ functioning. Weight loss/ weight gain. Exhaustion - even if you have rested. Self - neglect. Irritability. Numbing behaviors including addiction. Poor concentration. Sleep disturbances. Mood swings. Shift in eating patterns. Decreased self - confidence and self - esteem. 1 or 2 symptoms do not indicate burnout. You might be feeling burned out and in need of recharging. Prolonged periods of physical, mental intensity can, emotional normalize the" appearance" of burnout. In that way, we forget what peace, regeneration feel like, calm.

In other words, we can adapt to being in a state of burnout for extended periods of time, which put people at greater risk for medical conditions and/ or psychological problems to develop. - getting back on track: practice extreme self - care. When needs are not being met, negative thoughts and reactions intensify. I use extreme because taking the best care of YOU is serious! Does your life flow when you are neglecting yourself? When you take good care of YOU, the people and situations in your life will get the" best" of you instead of what' s left of you! Being positively self - ish and putting yourself first gives you the vitality and desire to be fully there for those you love - by choice, not obligation.

Give yourself permission to make self - care a priority. - refer to page 2 set strong boundaries and keep them. Practicing self - care will show others how to love and respect you by valuing and appreciating who you are. Practice saying no more often, especially when saying yes would be dishonest to your self. Superheroes aren' t real! Refer to page 2 Delegate things that need to be handled.

If you" have to do it all your self" , it is time to consider help. - recognize when you have a need and ask for help( when help is available) . Be willing to give up some of your control to decrease all the things on your" to do" list. Remember, the most successful people work with teams - they don' t succeed alone. That' s a win - win for everyone. One additional plus is that delegating empowers others to raise their competency and confidence level.

Decrease and eliminate energy drains. - energy drains include: everything unresolved, incomplete or avoided, undone is an energy drain. Clutter, situation, people, and things that sap your energy. Examples: clutter, unanswered correspondence/ phone calls, repairs, unfinished business, unpaid bills, avoided conflicts/ confrontations, negative thinking. Clearing out the clutter and energy drains will free up your energy dramatically and open more flow to your life. Get the picture?

Have you felt stuck or blocked? - schedule fun! Watch what happens when you eliminate clutter and energy drains from your life! I mean it. Lorraine Cohen, Business Consultant and Life Strategist brings more than 25 years experience in personal coaching, psychological counseling, business development, and sales to over 2000 business owners, and executives from, entrepreneurs a wide range of industries. Copyright(C) Lorraine Cohen 2004, All Rights Reserved. Focusing on the whole person, Lorraine coaches people from the inside out.

An expert in breaking through fear and roadblocks to success, she empowers people to take linear leaps that reshape their world. - to implement innovative strategies that integrate their heart, and spirituality, integrity.

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